Smolny Beyond Borders

A Liberal Arts Initiative

Stanislav Savitski

Ph.D. in Theory and History of Art (Russian Institute of Art History, Saint Petersburg),
Ph.D. in Literary Studies (University of Helsinki), Postdoc (Université Paris III La Nouvelle Sorbonne)

Stanislav Savitski is researcher in the field of intellectual history, art critic, and curator. He is a Visiting Scholar at the University of Tübingen, former director of Smolny MA Program in Curatorial Studies and former director of Smolny Center for Contemporary Art.

His researches focus on Modern and Post-Modern art and literature (Russia and France), Soviet avant-garde and nonconformist culture, and history of parks and gardens. He directed 4 research projects and 5 international conferences devoted to investigations of intellectual history of Modernism and Post-Modernism. As an invited curator he has been working in a number of venues including Institut Français, Foundation Pro Arte, Goethe Institute, National Center for Contemporary Art, New Holland Art Center, Ural Industrial Biennal of Contemporary Art and others.

He has published in a wide range of journals, including Ab Imperio, Die Hören, Logos, New Literary Review, Osteuropa, Projetto grafico, Revue des études slaves, Die Welt der Slaven, and others. Author of books: Underground: History and Cultural Mythologies of Unofficial Community (2002), A Look on Leningrad’s Contemporary Art of 2000s (2011), The Private Person: Lidya Ginsburg in the Late 1920s and Early 1930s (2013), The Walker’s Self-Help (2014), Malevich’s Roly-Poly and Others (2021).
